As a great kick off to the 2023-2024 school year, Bay Ridge Prep would like to present the fall play, Letters To Sala by Arlene Hutton and Ann Kirschner. The play takes place in 1940-1945. It follows Sala Kirschner's experience in different labor camps during the Holocaust through a series of letters that she shows to her daughter. The play jumps from the past to the present, you experience the labor camps through Sala and her friends, but also hear the story through words written in the letters she received.
Director Patti Veconi originally showed interest for this play in May, when she was troubled on deciding the performance for the fall. Her teacher, Arlene Hutton, suggested Letters To Sala, a play she originally directed herself. Before Letters To Sala became a play, it was a book by Ann Kirschner, Sala’s daughter. She wrote the book for the world to gain awareness of her mothers story. At first, their family struggled on what to do with the letters when Sala first revealed them. Ann had so many questions and Sala didn’t have any interest in answering them. Her family's decision to publicize the letters grew Sala’s story into so much more than hidden postcards and became open to the world.
Sophia Feder, who plays Young Sala, says she has a deep connection to the character as her own great-grandmother survived Auschwitz. Sophia is also very emotional to this being the second true drama BRP has done since COVID-19. She feels that the plays sends a great message to the public and brings awareness to the topics. It ensures these stories won't ever be forgotten. She says, “I think that this play will be extremely touching for our audiences, even if they don’t connect to it personally.” This play is a story and message that Sophia is honored to tell.
Ryann Parcell, one of the two actors who play Sala in her later years, shows similar emotions and finds she resembles Sala in her strength and convection. “Despite its sad themes, the overarching message brings inspiration to all different kinds of viewers.” Ryann says she feels that the play expresses its message clearly and appropriately for all audiences to understand and feel the personal connection to Sala’s story.
Alongside our actors, our amazing director Patti, also feels the deep connection and its ability to reach all audiences. As Patti is not Jewish herself, being able to witness the scenes that represent Judaism, is extremely touching for a non-Jewish audience. Saving the letters was important; “If I lost them [the letters] these people would die. I keep them alive by saving the letters.” A quote taken from the script, this shows the true power of these letters.
Sala’s story has touched a wide audience, and we hope you will come to the play. Performances will be held November 30-December 1, and you can get tickets through a link will be posted below on Monday 20th, 2023. On behalf of our entire cast and crew, we are so excited to bring this play to the stage!